In April, the growth of cattle population continued in almost the same dynamics as in March. According to the Agency of Statistics of Kazakhstan, as of May 1, in the country was kept 7,427.2 thousand heads, as of April 1 – 6,987.6 thousand heads of cattle, and the increase by 1 April amounted to 439.6 thousand, or by 6.3%.
We recall, population growth rate increased in March and amounted to 457.5 thousand heads, or by 7%. The number of cattle increased by 4.4% in February 2016, while in January – by 185.2 thousand individuals, or by 3%.
Thus, during the seasonal addition of cattle population, the number of these animals has increased from January 1 to May 1, 2016 from 6,068.6 to 7,427,2 thousand heads, or by 1,358.6 thousand heads with the growth of 22.4%, reports the IA “Kazakh-Zerno”.