During October grain balance in Kazakhstan grew by 9.5%, or 1,458,534 tons

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According to the Statistics Agency of Kazakhstan, on October 1, 2012, grain stocks in Kazakhstan was 15,284,356 tons, and on November, 1 – 16,742,890 tons, which is 1,458,534 tons or 9.5% more than in the previous month.

We remind, during September grain reserves in Kazakhstan grew by 5,274,261 ton, or 52.7%, an increase was from 10,010,095 to 15,284,356 tons.

Of the total grains, on October 1, there was 14,728,780 tons of wheat or 87.9% in Kazakhstan, (13,946,706 tons or 91.2% in the previous period). Of the total wheat, food wheat amounted to 12,891,684 tons, or 76.9% of the total reserves of grain (82.7% in October, 90.2% in September and 93.1% in August, 92.6% in July, 87, 6% in June and 81.6% in May), the IA “Kazakh-Zerno” said.

417,990 tons referred to feed wheat (316 697 tons in the previous period). Total grain intended for fodder use in Kazakhstan was 1,417,349 tons, or 8.4%. In the past period there was 951,057 tons or 6.2% of the entire grain balance.

Most of the grains are concentrated in SRP and elevators – 7,585,195 tons in agricultural enterprises – 5,467,321 ton. On mills there were 1208307 tons, and on the farms – 2,482,067 tons.

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