As indicated in the report of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy, in January-August this year prices for exported Kazakhstan’s goods increased by 10.7%, imported into the country – 12.7%.
Since the beginning of the year, prices of exports increased by 24.2% in the grain, cotton – by 14.7%, wool – by 11.1%.
From vegetables imported products rose by 51.4%, tea – by 21.4%, poultry – by 18.9%, fruits and nuts – by 16.1%, sugar – by 12.2%, fish – by 10 , 8%, dairy products – by 6.7%.
Wood prices were higher by 24.9%.
It should be noted, as previously reported the IA “Kazakh-Zerno”, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, this year the forecast for grain harvest is about 23 million tons. The outlook on the export of grain including flour in grain equivalent in the current agricultural year (July 2016 – June 2017) amounts to 8.5-9 million tons. In the 2015-2016 agricultural year it exported 8.4 million tons of grain.