Kazakhstan: Kyzylorda farmers are harvesting potatoes, vegetables and melons and gourds

Farmers of Kyzylorda region cleaned 2,054 hectares of potatoes out of 4360, 3,120 hectares of vegetables out of 4,998 and 5,640 hectares of melons out of 7,257 available.

The average yield is 136.3, 155 and 192.2 quintals, respectively, writes the correspondent of the IA “Kazakh-Zerno”.

“These agricultural crops have been sown by farmers of all districts of the region,” says the head of the division of the regional department of agriculture, Nurlan Amanbay.

– Even in the Aral region in Akbay village, in addition to traditional melons and watermelons, now growers plant a pumpkin, potatoes, vegetables, as well as alfalfa.

Harvesting will continue until the end of September.

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