Kazakhstan: So bang goes the project of increase of beef exports

Half a year is behind. It is now the most frivolous optimists obvious failure on the cattle meat export potential improvement program, which is intended to result in the form of the first export from the country of 60 thousand. Tons of beef at the end of 2016.

What hinders the development of animal husbandry in Kazakhstan? In addition to such obvious factors as the weak fodder base, neobvodnennost pastures, lack of distribution systems, there are others. Moreover, not so much related to the activities of specialized agencies, as with the law enforcement system, says the correspondent of “KazaлhZerno.kz” edition.

Profits and suicide

Last autumn there was that if an emergency in the Nura region of Karaganda oblast, or a real tragedy.

It all started with the fact that many more than 200 horses. Of these, the greatest damage has undergone LLP “Kara”, which has lost just 88 goals. Another 120 goals in the public herd, that is, the horses were residents of the village.

– Damage of our company was 24 million tenge, -. Victor says profits, Director of “TOO” Kara. ” – Prices for different horses. If the mare, she is 350 – 400 thousand tenge if year-old horse, then 250 thousand tenge if foal -.. 100 thousand tenge.. Here and there was a sum total.

But it is not limited to material damage. After some time, the herdsman, to graze the missing horses shot under unclear circumstances.

Rumors went around the village are different. Some believed that a person’s suicide pushed the resulting debt. Someone was sure that the shepherd “helped” to go to the light the real thieves of horses.

Whatever it was, we did not find traces of missing to this day. What is very strange. After all, if missing a few heads, this could be attributed to the visiting barymtachey who quietly scored horses for meat, and quickly disappeared. But 200 goals are not easy to hide and quietly from the area not vyvezesh. So there was a theory that the thieves helped someone local.

– Now it’s been a long time, there is no trace of loss, – said Victor Approx. – I myself think that, perhaps, there was no theft. Perhaps the lack of horses in the herd just came to light in the winter, and there is no longer enough stock. Often it happens that the shepherds gradually lose their horses. Some fell ill, died, and the herdsman did not dare to report it to the owner. The other escaped. Or a herd of slack off someone’s crops and the shepherds had with the owner of the land to pay for damage to other people’s horses. And so it could happen this time. Then the shepherd realized what his debts, and his exit left.

Whatever it was, abaction in one form or another for many years is a problem for the villagers. And one of the factors hampering the development of the industry. On the need to combat this evil are always talking at all levels of government.

Of course, such an unprecedented scale cases in Nura District, occur infrequently. But smaller brook theft does not want to dry out, despite all the efforts of the authorities. This factor has led many villagers to think well before you expand the herd. Is it worth it to invest in the purchase of cattle and horses, if there is a risk of losing all of the property once the fault of lazy shepherds and outlaws? Many do not dare.

Slaves and sheep

In June, a lot of noise in the Karaganda region has done a story with the release of a pair of slaves from wintering in Shet district.

The journalist of the Russian TV channel “Star” Alexey Egorov arrived with his family on vacation in the mountain range of Horta. Coming to a small wintering, he povstretil Rose and Elijah, who said that for many years are in bondage to the owner of the farm, which grows sheep and uses their free labor. According to the people, they have never paid the money, they do not have documents, they are not allowed to leave the habitat.

At the request of the Rose and Elijah, Alexey Egorov brought them and their five year old daughter Nastya in Karaganda. There was a check of the situation by law enforcement agencies. According to the police, questioned the owner of hibernation, it turned out that no people on the wintering force did not hold. Like, he himself was nowhere to go, so they stayed there. And the money he did not pay them for their work, because in the desert there are no shops, no place to spend. Ostensibly, all necessary for the life of him, he brought himself.

Who is telling the truth in this particular story, let set a consequence. However, in private conversations with people familiar with the situation in rural areas, sound information, that slavery – it is a reality. Victims often captivity often become socially unsettled people who really have nowhere to live and nowhere to go. Owners of livestock are remote stalemate accidents, to provide a free Manpower.

But we are not talking even about the legal assessment of this phenomenon. We say that it is – as one of the limiting factors of development of animal husbandry.

That is, the owner of the farm is now has a choice: whether to buy modern equipment, which will allow it to automatically clean the room, to ensure the supply of water and livestock feed. Either bring the homeless from the station or from the reception center and make it all work done manually.

In the former case requires an investment of money, in the second – no. And many are choosing the cheaper option.

But what is the end result? Farms with slaves and remain unproductive likes of agricultural production, with poor sanitation, low productivity and limited potential for growth.

If farmers deprived of such a “choice”, then willy-nilly, they have to invest in the development of thinking about how to increase the return to pay back the investment. And the development of the industry would go in the right direction at a faster pace. But while slavery is alive, we will continue to be in the Stone Age.

Ulcer and meat

Well, and finally – a small remark veteran livestock industry on the most pressing problems of today – the outbreak of anthrax. The first case was recorded in June, all in the same Shet district of Karaganda region (that’s really sad fame in the region!). From the deadly disease killed two local residents, who have eaten a sick cow and feed the meat neighbors. Another eight people escaped hospitalization.

After that similar cases have occurred in other areas of the country. Veterinarians understood the reasons for long, as they lay on the surface: there are hundreds of burial grounds, not fenced and is not marked on the ground. That is, in fact, in the desert here and there scattered burial of the remains of animals whose territory quietly roam herds graze the grass and drink water. No one knows what kind of infection with ingested by animals, given that the nature of the disputes of the same anthrax can be stored over a hundred years.

It would seem that we must sound the alarm, to eliminate the threat. But the livestock industry veteran pointed out that methods of disposal of sick animals is not only not improved since the Soviet times, but on the contrary, deteriorated. So that the danger will not decrease but increase from year to year.

– In Soviet times, in the case of cows infected with anthrax has been worked out an algorithm carcass disposal, – the expert veterinarian with years of experience. – At the steppes excavator tore a deep hole. There was dumped carcass. Naturally, with all precautions – veterinarians were in special suits. Then into a hole tanker poured a large amount of fuel. It ignited and burned carcass without a trace. Moreover, all the grass around the hole on a large radius of flamethrowers to burn out, and the earth itself is also subjected to a heat treatment. After that the pit was buried, and cattle cemetery designated as a place of heightened danger. What now? Place of burial handle simple chemicals. No heat treatment no. And they themselves veterinarians will not give you a guarantee that such a repository will not be after a while the source of infection.

What damage to the industry we have in the end? The risk of losing the major markets of the Kazakhstan meat.

Russia and China have already frightened prospects get infected meat, and banned the import of beef from our country. So the task for 2016 -. To export 60 thousand tons of Kazakhstan beef in the framework of raising domestic livestock export potential, can be forgotten. He eventually fail. The situation with anthrax was the last nail in the lid “Project” coffin developed the former leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture. Disassemble these blockages to be the new Minister of Agriculture.

Sergey Buyanov

“KazakhZerno.kz” newspaper

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