Kazakhstan: Spring crops are sown on 30.1% of the area

Новость на Казах-зерно:

According to operational information of the Ministry of Agriculture, as of April 7 in Kazakhstan spring crops were sown on 30.1% of the area, and it is 111.6 thousand hectares of the planned 371.2 thousand hectares. Oilseeds are sown on the area of 33.9 thousand hectares, which is 17.6%. Sowing of perennial grasses was held on 38 thousand hectares (35.8%).

It should be noted,today sowing is being carried out in four southern regiones. In particular, the farmers of South Kazakhstan region have sown grain on 55.4% of the area, oilseeds – on 29.5%, alfalfa – 50.4% of the area.

Close to the equator in terms of grain sowing are growers of Kyzylorda – 44.4% of the work is already done. Zhambyl farmers sew grain on 50.7 thousand hectares of the planned 115.4 thousand hectares, wrote the IA “Kazakh-Zerno”.

Well, the last position is occupied by Almaty growers. Agrarians completed 15.8% of sowing.

It should be noted, South Kazakhstan farmers planted 34.2% of the area with potato, 21.3 % – with vegetables, and melons were placed on 17.1 % of the planned areas.

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