North Kazakhstan: “Harvest will be delayed for nearly a week” – farmers

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Now the main thing for which farmers are complaining – the consequences of rainfall in the early fall. Because of them harvest will be delayed by 5-6 days, said farmers. Besides cloudy weather complicates the pace of field works, but it’s not all causes of farmers’ concerns, wrote the correspondent of the IA “Kazakh-Zerno”.

“The rains have been great. Of course, everything has evaporated during the last week, but the current weather does not give an opportunity to resume the last harvesting pace. Much time was lost. In addition, the quality of the crop is quite low”, explained in the LLC “Shatilo and K”.

On the low nature are now complaining many Kazakh farmers, weather in the summer of 2013 year contributed to this. Now the farm thrash about 900 hectares per day. Total, only 32% of the sown area is harvested. “When we will collect crops from the half of fields, then we can talk about the quality of the harvest in 2013 as a whole. Now we collect about 13.3 quintals of grain per hectare “, explained in the farm household.

The current year is not ideal, say farmers, but a little better the last dry year (2012). We recall that season the region’s growers harvested 4.8 million tons of grain, the plan for the current year is 5 million tons.

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