North Kazakhstan: Lack of moisture in the soil is noticeable – agrarian

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As previously wrote the IA “Kazakh-Zerno”, acceptance of sowing areas in the region is over and according to the words of the head of LLC “Conay Zh” of Esilsky district Zhamanbayev Murat, this year everything went not bad.

“There were no problems with acceptance, the commission examined shoots and quality of crops, and we immediately applied for subsidies. In principle, this year nothing caused any difficulties “, said Murat. All that depended on the peasants, they did. Now everything is in the hands of the weather, which does not promise rains.

In the fields is visible a layer of the dried earth, the soil has already begun to crack, which can lead not to the best consequences for crops. “The lack of moisture is felt, if within two weeks will come rain – then will not have to worry about the next harvest”.

We recall that last year, farmers in the Esilsky district were the leaders according to the results of grain harvest. There per a hectare of land were collected about 15 quintals respectively.

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