This year the Makhtaaral cotton-cleaning plant “Myrzakent” plans to process 60 thousand tons of cotton fiber. About 40 tons of cotton fiber are produced here a day. Ready-made products are sent to a textile factory in Shymkent, surplus is sold to India and the Czech Republic.
This year the Makhtaaral cotton-cleaning plant “Myrzakent” can reach record levels in the processing of cotton fiber. The installation, bought from the American company “Lummus Corporation”, will help the enterprise to achieve this goal.
According to the press service of the akim of the South Kazakhstan region, thanks to this facility, the yield of quality fiber will increase by more than 30%, and the energy consumption will decrease by 25-30%, and also the processing time of cotton will be reduced by 30%. Innovative technologies used in the project have no analogues in the CIS countries.
“The investment project at our cotton plant was approved in 2013 in the Regional Coordination Council and was included in the industrialization map. Thus, in 2014 we launched this project. The total cost of the plant for today is 1 billion tenge. The number of employees is 120 people,” said Asylbek Zhamalov, the chief engineer of the plant.
The enterprise, launched in 2014 as part of the State Program for Industrial and Innovative Development, plans to process 60,000 tons of cotton fiber this year. About 40 tons of cotton fiber are produced here a day. The ready products are sent to the textile factory in Shymkent. Excess fibers are sold to India and the Czech Republic.
Thus, “Myrzakent” LLP not only grows cotton, but also processes it. In addition, it acquires ‘white gold’ at favorable prices from cotton pickers in the region, thus replenishing its stocks with raw materials.
We recall, as previously reported the IA “Kazakh-Zerno”, as a whole this year in the South-Kazakhstan region, cotton acreage is 134.6 thousand hectares. This is 25 thousand hectares more than last year. In 2016, peasants harvested an average of 26.2 quintals per hectare, collecting a total of 286.4 thousand tons of ‘white gold’. In the current year, in connection with the increase in acreage, it is planned to collect more than 300 thousand tons of cotton in the region.