The grain harvest in Kazakhstan is close to 19 million tons

Новость на Казах-зерно:

According to latest reports of the Ministry of Agriculture, the grain harvest in the country is about 18 million 943.3 thousand tons.

In particular, according to the provincial departments of agriculture, on October 9, this year agricultural producers harvested 14,454.4 thousand hectares, accounting for 91.8% of the harvested area in the regions; it was harvested 18,943.3 thousand tons, the average yield totaled 13.1 q/ha.

For the past day bins of motherland filled by 416.6 thousand tons of grain from the harvest-2013.

We recall, as previously informed the IA “Kazakh-Zerno”, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, on October 8, in Kazakhstan has been removed 14,207 thousand hectares, with a yield of 13 q/ha was obtained 18,526.7 thousand tons of grain.

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