Transit opportunities of Kazakhstan were presented in Hanoi, according to the press service of KTZ.
Representatives of the “NC” Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” JSC participated in the transport and logistics business forum, held in Hanoi. Vice-President of the “NC” KTZ” JSC Kanat Alpysbayev informed about Kazakhstan’s transport and logistics capabilities, the main trends of focal development of transcontinental corridors. According to experts, the transit potential of Kazakhstan’s major routes is estimated at more than 1,650 million containers per year (TEU).
K.Alpysbaev noted that “in order to increase the capacity of main railway lines and development of growing Euro-Asian trade flows several large-scale infrastructure projects was implemented in Kazakhstan, formed a reliable rail network, which optimized passing through Kazakhstan transport corridors, built about 2,377 km of new railway lines.”
The Vice-President presented the main points of the growth of Kazakhstan’s transit potential, mentioned about formation of the core network of transport and logistics infrastructure in the Eurasian transcontinental corridor, reports the IA “Kazakh-Zerno”.
“Infrastructure development is the core of the program” Nurly Zhol “, initiated by the Head of State, which is largely associated with China’s initiative “The economic belt of the Silk Road”, stressed in this regard K.Alpysbaev.
In order to attract new cargo flows to the infrastructure of Eurasian overland routes through Kazakhstan is growing the number of container trains with the provision of quality service, competitive tariff conditions, and an increase in routing speed.
According to K.Alpysbaev, Kazakhstan and Vietnam have great potential to develop cooperation in the field of transport and logistics. Thus, the Agreement on free trade zone between the EEU and its state members and Vietnam covers all areas of economic and trade cooperation.
Participants of the business forum were also informed about the potential and prospects of the development of an integrated transport and logistics company established by the railway administrations of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union – Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.
Representatives of the transport industry, businesses, embassies of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Belarus, and Armenia in Vietnam noted the importance and significance of the event to further strengthen cooperation in the transport and logistics sector, development of trade and economic relations between the countries.