Turkestan scientists developed two new wheat varieties

Two new wheat varieties have been developed by scientists of Turkestan region. Both belong to optional varieties or “alternate wheat” as it is called by farmers. Such varieties can be sown not only in the fall, like winter crops, the correspondent of “KazakhZerno.kz” NA notes. If for some reason the seedlings did not work out, such seeds can be sown during winter “windows”, that is, on days when the weather permits, or in early spring.

Now Nazym and Shymkala are undergoing state variety trials. If everything goes well, then will followzoning and recommendations to farmers for their use for cultivation. If something goes wrong, they will be used forhybridizationwith other varieties and production of higher quality wheat varieties.

The “mother” of both varieties isthe Master of Agriculture Klara Aytymbetova. The main requirements that she imposed on her varieties: ultrafast ripeness, disease resistance and high amounts of protein and gluten.

The fact is that wheat grown in the southern regions due to the large number of sunny days contains more sucrose, but less protein and gluten than the northern varieties. Because of this, it is considered not suitable for baking and is not included in the number of valuable varieties. “Nazym” and “Shymkala” should not be inferior to the northern varieties and at the same time should maintain excellent taste.

Preliminary tests demonstrated compliance with all requirements. How a new wheat will behave in front of a state commission will be known soon.

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