West Kazakhstan: Grain will not please farmers this year too – agrarian

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“This year there is no reason to boast. Spring cereals again are not encouraging. Several years in a row we just go all to rack and ruin”- a quotation from a conversation of the correspondent of the IA” Kazakh-Zerno” with the head of LLC “Tungysh “Marat Nukaev.

2013 did not meet expectations of a landowner. Lack of rain and high temperatures did not bring anything good, said the source. Spring moisture and scanty rainfall little help seedlings to emerge, but it is not worth to build special hopes for the future harvest.

“If we take about 2-3 q/ha, we shall be satisfied. May and June heat has burnt everything it only could. The quality of grain if it will be at all – will be low. From early fields with spring grain we can still harvest for the seeds, and the rest is likely to go to forageonly “, said Marat Nukaev.

Before the new harvest still there is time, but rainfall during this period will be beneficial only for the weeds. Now the landowner hopes only for insurance.

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